The Patient’s Rights

  • The patient has the right to quality basic health care irrespective of his/her geographical location.
  •  The patient is entitled to full information on his/her condition and management and the possible risks involved except in emergency situations when the patient is unable to decide and the need for treatment is urgent.
  • The patient is entitled to know of alternative treatment(s) and other health care providers within the Service if these may contribute to improved outcomes.
  •  The patient has the right to know the identity of all his/her caregivers and other persons who may handle him/her including students, trainees, and ancillary workers.
  • The patient has the right to consent or decline to participate in a proposed research study involving him or her after a full explanation has been given. The patient may withdraw at any stage of the research project.
  •  A patient who declines to participate in or withdraws from a research project is entitled to the most effective care available.
  •  The patient has the right to privacy during consultation, examination, and treatment. In cases where it is necessary to use the patient or his/her case notes for teaching and conferences, the consent of the patient must be sought.
  • The patient is entitled to confidentiality of information obtained about him or her and such information shall not be disclosed to a third party without his/her consent, or the person entitled to act on his/her behalf except where such information is required by law or is in the public interest.
  •  The patient is entitled to all relevant information regarding policies and regulation of the health facilities that he/she attends.
  •  Procedures for complaints, disputes and conflict resolution shall be explained to patients or their accredited representatives.
  • Hospital charges, mode of payments and all forms of anticipated expenditure shall be explained to the patient prior to treatment.
  •  Exemption facilities, if any, shall be made known to the patient.
  •  The patient is entitled to personal safety and reasonable security of property within the confines of the Institution.
  •  The patient has the right to a second medical opinion if he/she so desires.